Fukushima water disposal by no means Japan’s own business
By John Lee
(ECNS) -- Japan has announced it will release treated wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean this year.
Although Fukushima wastewater disposal affects global marine ecological environment protection and public health, Japan has turned a deaf ear to domestic and international opposition to dumping the contaminated water into the sea, treating the "global" matter as its own business.
The Fukushima accident in 2011 had sent large quantities of radiation into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean, causing irreversible damage to the surrounding environment, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced to evacuate the area. South Korea still maintains its import ban on Japanese seafood from areas affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
On April 13, 2021, Japan announced it had decided to discharge contaminated radioactive wastewater in Fukushima Prefecture into the sea due to dwindling storage space, with the Japanese government and plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. promoting the release plan over the past year.
The Japanese government argues that the water treated by an advanced liquid processing system, or ALPS, is safe and drinkable, which is undoubtedly fooling the public.
In fact, the treated wastewater still includes a variety of radioactive substances and can’t be recycled once discharged into the sea, which will pose a great threat to marine ecology and ultimately endanger human health in the long run.
Therefore, the discharge plan has been strongly opposed in Japan. According to a questionnaire conducted by The Asahi Shimbun, nearly 60 percent of mayors of 42 municipalities in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures oppose the discharge plan. The National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Japan has also repeatedly stated its opposition in public.
The Japanese government believes that dumping Fukushima wastewater into the sea is the cheapest and most convenient solution, but neighboring countries and even the whole world will be at risk of nuclear pollution.
The Pacific Ocean doesn’t belong to Japan and the wastewater flow along oceanic currents will surely break boundaries and endanger public welfare and the interests of neighboring countries and even the international community.
The Korea Economic Daily reported that related research concluded that if contaminated water from Fukushima is released into the ocean, it would only take seven months for the contaminated water to reach the shores of Jeju Island, with the country's aquaculture and tourism suffering considerable losses.
According to the calculation of a German marine scientific research institute, radioactive materials will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean within half a year from the date of discharge, and the U.S. and Canada will be affected by nuclear pollution. People in the Pacific region also oppose the discharge plan.
As a participant of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Japan has the obligation of protecting the marine environment.
However, it hasn’t offered a full and convincing explanation on issues like the legitimacy of the discharge plan, the reliability of data on the nuclear-contaminated water, the efficacy of the treatment system or the uncertainty of environmental impact.
Though the IAEA has yet to complete a comprehensive review after three investigations in Japan, the Japanese side has been pushing through the approval process for its discharge plan and even started building facilities for the discharge. It is rather irresponsible for Japan to act against public opinion at home and concerns abroad.
The Pacific Ocean is not a private Japanese sewer. The country must seriously heed the voices of the international community and make a reasonable plan for the Fukushima wastewater disposal after full consultation with stakeholders and international agencies.
If it only seeks instant interest and insists on discharging the contaminated water into the sea, not only itself, but also its neighboring countries and the entire world will pay for the decision and several generations will be forced to bear the consequence.
【网络中国节·诗画节气】小寒:莫怪严凝切,春冬正月交****** 【网络中国节·诗画节气】 小寒:莫怪严凝切,春冬正月交 作者:侯楠楠 小寒是二十四节气中倒数第二个节气。《月令七十二候集解》中记载:“十二月节,月初寒尚小,故云。月半则大矣。”也就是说,小寒之“小”的意思是天气寒冷,但还没有冷到极点。小寒三候为“雁北乡,鹊始巢,雉始雊”,因为感受到阳气生发,大雁开始向北迁移,喜鹊开始筑巢,为繁衍做准备(快过年了,但此处没有催婚的意思),“雊”意为野鸡鸣叫,此时,野鸡也感受到阳气萌动开始鸣叫。“禽鸟得气之先”,古人认为禽鸟在感知时节变化方面独具天赋,在二十四节气中,小寒和白露是完全以鸟类作为物候标识的。 (点击图片观看动态海报) 《敦煌二十四节气》原画出自《不可思议的敦煌·与万物共生长》创作展——最佳创作团队奖「豆荚创意」小朋友们的集体创作。动画制作:满晨 进入小寒一般就进入了腊月,临近过年,人们开始忙着写春联、剪窗花,采购年画、鞭炮等各类年货,为即将到来的春节作准备。此时,北方地区的河水已经冻得足够结实,人们开始在冰面上嬉戏玩乐,古时称为“冰戏”,《宋史》中就有“故事斋宿,幸后苑,作冰戏”的记载。除此之外,有的地方还有进行“腊祭”的习俗,祭祀祖先和众神,祈求来年农作物丰收。 “三九补一冬,来年无病痛”,冬季要进补,而小寒时节尤为重要。除了在冬季出场率最高的羊肉,江苏一些地方会在小寒时煮菜饭吃,用“矮脚黄”(小白菜的一个品种)与咸肉片、香肠或是板鸭搭配,加上生姜粒与糯米一起煮,广东地区的糯米饭也与之相似。天津地区则有吃黄芽菜的习俗,黄芽菜即白菜芽,冬至后将白菜割去茎叶,只留菜心,覆盖勿透气,半月后取食,为冬日蔬菜不足的餐桌增添了脆爽之味。 俗话说,“小寒大寒,冻成一团”,小寒和大寒时期,基本上是一年中最冷的时候。不过,小寒之“小”,真的意味着还不够冷吗?民间常说“冷在三九”,而“三九”基本上处于小寒节气内。我们之前辨析过大暑和小暑哪个节气更热,同样地,根据气象资料可以看到,只有少数年份的大寒气温低于小寒,因此,在寒冷这方面,“小寒胜大寒,常见不稀罕”,小寒是当之无愧的内卷王。 除了“真冷”以外,我们该如何优雅地表达寒冷?杜甫说“霜严衣带断,指直不得结”,天气太冷,手指冻得僵直,连断了的衣带都不能系上;李白说“素手抽针冷,那堪把剪刀”,做针线时,连抽针都冷,更别说拿剪刀去裁衣服了;孟郊说“百泉冻皆咽,我吟寒更切”,因为天冷,连泉水流动地声音都像是在哽咽,更别说人了;陶渊明说“凄凄岁暮风,翳翳经日雪”,一整天又刮风又下雪,冷不冷就不用说了吧? 天气虽冷,但古人认为,只有小寒、大寒“冻透了”,来年开春之后才能顺利回暖。民谚说“小寒寒,惊蛰暖。小寒暖,倒春寒。小寒不寒,清明泥潭。小寒大寒大日头,来年开春冻死牛”,就是通过小寒大寒的气温来判断来年的天气,甚至还可以通过小寒大寒时的降水情况观测小暑大暑的旱涝,“小寒大寒不下雪,小暑大暑田开裂”,就是说,小寒大寒如果不下雪,小暑大暑时节就会干旱。小寒时节,北方大部分地区已经没有太多的农活,主要任务是做好畜舍保暖、窖藏、造肥积肥等工作,正如农谚所说“小寒时处二三九,天寒地冻北风吼。窖坑栏舍要防寒,瓜菜薯窖严封口”;另外就是要防止积雪冻雨压断竹林果木,适时果树进行冬剪。 不过,小寒时节也不尽是萧索之景。南北朝时期《荆楚岁时记》中记载“始梅花,终楝花,凡二十四番花信风”,二十四番花信风,就始于小寒时的梅花。文人墨客都爱赏梅,喜欢其迎寒绽放的特点并将其视为值得赞颂的高洁品格。王安石咏梅,说“遥知不是雪,为有暗香来”;王冕咏梅,说“不要人夸好颜色,只留清气满乾坤”;崔道融咏梅,说“朔风如解意,容易莫摧残”,这是把梅花当主角写的。宋朝诗人杜耒请朋友到家里围炉煮茶,把梅花当作气氛组,说“寻常一样窗前月,才有梅花便不同”,十分风雅;不过,最有名的还是“踏雪寻梅”的男主孟浩然,“园中有早梅,年例犯寒开”,踏雪寻梅是孟浩然的行为艺术,他为了找创作灵感,骑着驴去追寻梅花的踪迹。其实大家想一想这个场景,一个大男人骑着驴去找梅花,似乎并没有那么唯美。但对于诗人来说,灵感乍现的时刻总是可遇不可求,踏雪寻梅的意境自此为人津津乐道,孟浩然也没想到,找灵感的他成了后来很多人的艺术创作灵感。 “莫怪严凝切,春冬正月交”,梅花的盛开是小寒带来的希望,严冬进入倒计时,时光如梭,春归有期。 光明网×敦煌画院
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